Are You Packing Dead Weight In Your Bugout Bag – Leave These 11 Things Out

Bug Out Bag
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Have you ever read a post or watched a video that tells you what not to pack? I haven’t, so I am writing this article to deal with common mistakes that I have come across over the years. Especially prevalent amongst newbies, people just starting to prepare, is the tendency to try to pack for … Read more

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How To Get The Best Prepping Results – Don’t Buy Commercially Processed Foods

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Since before recorded time, people have been processing food in some way to keep it edible for longer, whether it was by curing, salting fermenting or milling. Yes, even bread is a processed food, so not all processed foods are bad but, if you are prepping for an emergency situation, you need to consider what … Read more

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How To Prep For Survival – For City Dwellers

Surviving South Africa City dwellers
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How To Prep For Survival  – For City Dwellers is written for the South African situation. I address some of the issues that we South Africans have to face, and they are many and daunting. In this article, I deal with: Most of the problems unique to urban survival arise from the vast number of people … Read more

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12 Things Diabetics Must Prep To Survive

copy of Personal Docs
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In today’s global village, when disasters that strike on the other side of the world occur, we learn about them in minutes. We even get to watch videos of them occurring within minutes. As a result, we are all very aware of how easily and quickly a disaster can strike. With this in mind, here … Read more

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No Job-No Food-No Future-No Parliament – What Now South Africa

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Day 53 of this Carona virus Lockdown here in Pretoria, South Africa. Now I am not a terribly political person, in fact, I suck at politics but, I, like many other South Africans, am at my wit’s end. Our Government is continuing to make rules that seem to make no sense and claims that it … Read more

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