How To Collect, And Make Healthy, Potable Water In the Wild

Drakensberg Mountain stream
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The purpose of this article is to show you How To Collect, And Make Healthy, Potable Water In the Wild. It might even come in handy in the cities and towns if the electricity goes off. In any survival scenario, In the wild or in civilisation, water is definitely your most important priority. You can … Read more

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How To Plan A Practical Long Term Survival Supplies List

Long List
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Before We Start In this article, I will suggest to you How to plan a Practical, long-term survival supplies list, But as usual, I am not going to give you a list.  I will only suggest to you what to consider and why. You really should plan your own practical long-term survival supplies list to … Read more

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What Is A Bug Out Bag And What Goes In It

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In this article, we will discuss What Is A Bug Out Bag And What Goes In It. Don’t just download a list of BOB contents and take it as gospel.  Download my suggested BOB contents list here but remember, this is MY list. Evaluate the list while you go through this article and modify the list … Read more

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The Best Lightweight Nutritious Foods For Survival

Hiking backpack
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In this article, I will show you a few of the best options to use to keep the weight of your Bug Out Bag down and your nutrition and energy up. Both of these important considerations if you need to move fast and far on foot. Space and weight are always an issue when packing a bug out bag and they both have an influence on speed and manoeuvrability.

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How To Make And Store Pemmican – Practical Survival

Buffalo, The start of all Pemmican
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The word “Pemi” is the Cree word meaning Fat or grease and Pemmican was probably the first MRE (Meal Ready to eat). It was also the traditional means of preserving the buffalo meat that the Native North Americans used when they went on their annual Buffalo hunt. They needed to preserve the meat for the … Read more

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What Happens When The Lights Go Out – Permanently

Its Burning
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Have you ever seriously considered what happens when the lights go out….permanently, or for a long period? It is a chilling thought, no matter where you are in the world, here in South Africa or any other country. The results would be catastrophic. There are a large variety of reasons why the power could go … Read more

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