Fishing – A How To Beginner’s Guide For Preppers

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Fishing is a great way to supplement your food supply in an emergency. Luckily, Fish can be found in almost any dam, river or stream which can be very helpful to a refugee when fleeing danger. This being said, do not rely on fishing to be your primary food source as catching fish is not … Read more

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Artisan Bread: A Delicious Way to Enjoy Freshly Baked Bread

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Artisan bread is a type of bread that is made with high-quality ingredients and a lot of care. It is often made by hand, and it can take several hours to rise and bake. Artisan bread is known for its delicious flavour and its chewy texture. One of the best things about artisan bread is … Read more

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How to grow food in a survival situation?

Food garden
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Growing Food to Barter Growing your own food is a great way to prepare for any disaster. When SH!T hits the fan, and you need to withdraw from the cities and built-up areas, there is a good chance that you will become a refugee in your own country. Following some of these tips will help … Read more

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How To Grow African Horned Cucumber (Kiwano) In A Drum

African Horned Cucumber
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In our quest to prepare for whatever disaster might drive us from our homes and cities, we gather and store all sorts of store-bought foods and equipment to ensure our survival but, what about the abundant natural foods like the African Horned Cucumber (Kiwano)? In this article, I will show you How To Grow African … Read more

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Bicarbonate Of Soda(baking Soda) Is An Incredible, All-Purpose Fix-all For The Home and Prepper

nahcolite is baking soda
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If you are anything like me, you probably have a box of bicarbonate of soda in your pantry for baking, a bowl of it in your refrigerator to absorb odours and another box under your kitchen sink to use for cleaning and everything else. Baking Soda Is An Incredible, All-Purpose Fix-all For The Home and … Read more

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How To Become A Killer Prepper To Butcher Your Own Meat

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To become a prepper In today’s world, Where food comes from a shelf or refrigerator in the supermarket will take some planning and learning. When my son was about 4 years old, we went to our uncle’s farm for a holiday. Driving up the road, We showed him a cow and told him that we … Read more

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Practical Prepping With Powdered Milk – How To Make, Store And Bake

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Milk is not an absolute necessity to sustain life, not like water, but When SHTF, it is like coffee, it provides that emotional lift that makes it worth the effort to have some, just to lift the spirit in those heartbreaking times and making it is simple. Place you fruit sheets in your dehydrator, add … Read more

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