Welcome To Our Site. .
This Page has been specifically established to distribute information to People wanting to join a group and for them to ask questions and discuss issues with others. This site does not replace or compete with the official site.
If you need help joining SBB, watch the video below. If you need help in English, Please click here and call the number on the screen.
Where To Start
The best advice that I can give you is to Sign up, contact the Convoy leader in your area and attend the local meetings.
Whatsapp Groups Etiquette.
Get the latest news on the current situation, unrest and unsafe areas to travel. Join the SBB Whatsapp group. When you join the WhatsApp group, you do so to primarily receive messages.

Please Note It has become common practice now for members to place messages on the groups. This poses a serious problem. There are so many messages coming in that people tend to ignore them or mute them. When an urgent message is then sent out, it is not read for hours and this could cause difficulties.
Please do not place messages, information or warnings on the groups. Send it to your group leader on his direct WhatsApp number and not to the group. The group leader will then forward it to the necessary people who will confirm it first before placing it in the group.
One should also consider that leaders are in a number of groups and get a high volume of WhatsApps that they have to deal with daily. It would be much better if each group contacts their own group leader on their direct Whatsapp.
Things To Consider When Prepping
There are many things to consider when preparing for an emergency evacuation, whatever the emergency is. Some things that you need to consider are:
- How To Start – A Beginner Prepper Food Supply List
- Food Supplies
- Bug out Bags
- Suitable clothing and footwear
- Personal health (nappies, sanitary pads, antihistamines, sinutabs, sunblock etc)
- First aid kits, medicines and Chronic medication
- Water reserves
- Sleeping requirements (blankets, temp shelters etc.)
- Cooking facilities ( heat, pots, spoons, knives etc)
- Vehicle maintenance
- Tyre Condition
- Spares for the vehicle (oil, spark plugs, puncture repair kits, jacks and wheel spanners, Spark Plugs, Filters and Fanbelts etc.)
- Additional fuel reserves
- Suitable seed, fertilizers and pesticides
- Pets and pet food
- Accommodation (tents, caravans, ground sheet, plastic for temp cover etc.)
- Assembly points
- Radios
- If you have weapons, keep your license handy.
The training on this site is more for dealing with immediate problems before you get to the different venues. The training covers the things listed above, as well as other practical things you might need in emergencies like:
- Packing a backpack,
- Emergency survival kits
- Making shelters
- Correct clothing
- Making trail food that feeds and lasts when you cannot cook.
- Cooking over open fires
- What food to carry in BOB
- Emergency First Aid
- Compass and Mapping
- Night travel
- Finding Water
- hunting small animals
- Foot Care when Walking
- Making a bush toilet
Prep Properly For The First Three Days

One thing you should consider very carefully is the fact that if you need to evacuate, you will be:
- In a hurry
- Stressed
- On the move ( possibly for a good few days)
Under these stressful circumstances, you do not know what the future might hold. It is best to be prepared for the most difficult situations. Those situations where you cannot stop to cook, cannot get to your main rations immediately or need to keep an extremely low profile, i.e. no noise, no fire, low visibility. Your family must still eat and you need to keep your strength up.
It is a sound plan to have three days of lightweight, nutritious, ready-to-eat meals that do not need preparation or fire.
Be Informed
It is important in these times to keep yourself abreast of all the news, but equally important is to evaluate news deliberately and to keep emotions out of the equation. There are a lot of false reports doing the rounds and some of them even make use of false SAPS letterheads.
The SBB are an organisation formed to protect our people when the Police and Defence force can no longer. As such, that requires that we too act in terms of the law. We cannot go around flouting the law, carrying illegal firearms and other substances, and inciting others to go against the law. What if the false reports are put out to egg us on so that we take matters into our own hands and start the first confrontation? This would put the Groups…all groups, on the back foot as the opposition would now have grounds to act against us. Be aware and be calm.
In Conclusion
It is far better to plan and prepare and to never need it than it is not to plan and prepare and find yourself and your family in a situation for which you are not prepared and have no way out.
If you have any questions, please ask them here.

Have you got something to say or a suggested topic for the next newsletter? Say it below in the comments section.