How To Stay Safe During Civil Unrest Or Disaster Areas?

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Overview of the key steps to stay safe in a disaster zone The most important thing in a civil unrest situation is to stay informed. If you are not aware of things happening in your area/town/country, you cannot be prepared. Keep up to date with the happenings in your area so that you can prepare, … Read more

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Fishing – A How To Beginner’s Guide For Preppers

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Fishing is a great way to supplement your food supply in an emergency. Luckily, Fish can be found in almost any dam, river or stream which can be very helpful to a refugee when fleeing danger. This being said, do not rely on fishing to be your primary food source as catching fish is not … Read more

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Important Prepper Supplies for 2021 – Are You Being Ripped Off

Preppers Supplies Altoids tin Survival Kit
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We all know how, when you say Prepper or survival, the price seems to sky-rocket. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and trying to make a quick buck. This is a serious concern to most Preppers and in this article about Prepping Supplies, I will give you a few tips about sourcing Prepper … Read more

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What Happens When The Lights Go Out – Permanently

Its Burning
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Have you ever seriously considered what happens when the lights go out….permanently, or for a long period? It is a chilling thought, no matter where you are in the world, here in South Africa or any other country. The results would be catastrophic. There are a large variety of reasons why the power could go … Read more

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