How To Stay Safe During Civil Unrest Or Disaster Areas?

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Overview of the key steps to stay safe in a disaster zone The most important thing in a civil unrest situation is to stay informed. If you are not aware of things happening in your area/town/country, you cannot be prepared. Keep up to date with the happenings in your area so that you can prepare, … Read more

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Artisan Bread: A Delicious Way to Enjoy Freshly Baked Bread

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Artisan bread is a type of bread that is made with high-quality ingredients and a lot of care. It is often made by hand, and it can take several hours to rise and bake. Artisan bread is known for its delicious flavour and its chewy texture. One of the best things about artisan bread is … Read more

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How to Overcome Anxiety And Tension During Civil Unrest

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Introduction Civil unrest can be a very stressful time for everyone, involved or not. It can be difficult to know what to do or how to feel. This blog post will provide some tips on how to overcome anxiety and tension during civil unrest in South Africa. Stay informed The first step to overcoming anxiety … Read more

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Can Civil Unrest Breaking Out In South Africa Be Averted

Civil Unrest
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South Africa has been facing a number of challenges in recent years, including economic instability, political corruption, and civil unrest. These issues have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the country’s economy and social fabric. As we move into 2023, there are concerns that civil unrest could break … Read more

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How To React When Caught In Terrifying Civil Unrest Or Riots

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Civil Unrest or Riots are a daily occurrence in South Africa. One is more Surprised at not having a day with violent unrest than anything else. Riots and terrifying civil unrest are a daily occurrence in our communities and, sad to say, we take them in our daily stride! Unfortunately, these occurrences seem to be … Read more

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No Job-No Food-No Future-No Parliament – What Now South Africa

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Day 53 of this Carona virus Lockdown here in Pretoria, South Africa. Now I am not a terribly political person, in fact, I suck at politics but, I, like many other South Africans, am at my wit’s end. Our Government is continuing to make rules that seem to make no sense and claims that it … Read more

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