How To Become A Killer Prepper To Butcher Your Own Meat

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To become a prepper In today’s world, Where food comes from a shelf or refrigerator in the supermarket will take some planning and learning. When my son was about 4 years old, we went to our uncle’s farm for a holiday. Driving up the road, We showed him a cow and told him that we … Read more

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Important Prepper Supplies for 2021 – Are You Being Ripped Off

Preppers Supplies Altoids tin Survival Kit
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We all know how, when you say Prepper or survival, the price seems to sky-rocket. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and trying to make a quick buck. This is a serious concern to most Preppers and in this article about Prepping Supplies, I will give you a few tips about sourcing Prepper … Read more

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Prepper vs Survivalist – Which One Are You

Born in South Africa
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There is a huge rise in the prepper and survivalist circles these days and millions of people are starting to consider the possibility of disasters in almost every county in the world. It has become a multi-billion $ industry and people around the world are cashing in. If you are a person who believes that … Read more

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