It was with great dismay that I wrote the expose about The Jerusalem Group that had established itself among some leaders and well-prepared people in the Pretoria Moot Area. A group that planned to abandon their members when The SHTF!
The Jerusalem Group – Is It Resolved? Firstly, I must say that I have left Suidlanders and followed the Suidlanders Verdeiging who moved to form the Suidland Burgelukke Beskerming. (1/07/2023)
Well, I am able to tell you that there has been some progress in this regard and as I stated in the original article, this was never about influencing people to leave Suidlanders. It was to make those people of the Moot aware of the fact that they could be left without leaders when the SHTF and they needed to prepare for that scenario.
The Suidlanders – Have They A Plan???
There are a lot of different groups out there for you to join but, I have yet to find a plan that is so well-thought-out and balanced as the Suidlanders Plan. Now I am not saying that it is the only plan, I certainly have not been privy to all the plans out there.
What I do value about the Suidlanders Plan is that they follow the requirements of the articles of the Geneva Convention.
That being said, What has changed about the Jerusalem Group?
The Jerusalem Group – Is It Resolved?
The short of it is YES!
Now we are often quick to bemoan the fact that we would have handled a situation differently but it is not our prerogative. It is the senior leadership’s responsibility to resolve issues as they see fit. We should remember that they have a view of the larger picture and this often demands that they consider different issues when resolving things.
This may sound like I am trying to sugarcoat this but I am simply asking that you remember that there is a bigger picture that we might not be privy to.
Nico, the provincial leader has given me a little insight into the bigger picture, and why he handled it as he did, and I must say that it now seems to make a little sense to me.
My Meeting with The Provincial Leader
As you have no doubt read in the Jerusalem group article That it was received with somewhat less than appreciation and there was a disagreement at the time of writing the original article. We had a serious difference of opinion.
At the outset of our meeting, The Provincial Leader confirmed that he was 100% happy with, and understood, why the article was published. He stated that he had no problem with the article but had a major problem with the 4 or 5 WhatsApp app groups that I allegedly established with all the Moot membership as members.
I was somewhat surprised by this allegation and informed The Provincial Leader that I had nothing to do with them. I was added to 2 of the groups but resigned immediately after seeing what it was all about. Were these groups started to try and get people to leave Suidlanders? I have no idea! Nico was surprised by my denial and apologized, as he banned had me from the groups as a result of those WhatsApp groups.
Lesson Learned – Strength In Numbers
It is so easy to get uptight and leave a group because of personal differences. The trouble is that you then end up with more, smaller groups, all doing their own thing, often led by less-than-competent people. This, I believe, just weakens our cause.
I believe that we should resolve our differences and put what is best for the group, first. Having lots of smaller groups is not in any of our best interests and with this in mind, I accept and agree with the Provincial Leader’s resolution of this situation. I am told that the Jerusalem Group has now been resolved.
I trust that the Suidlanders’ leadership will have the best interests of the Suidlanders membership at heart. I am not holding my breath. I am quite happy just being a member of SBB.
“It is far better to plan and prepare and to never need it than it is not to plan and prepare and find yourself and your family in a situation for which you are not prepared and have no way out”.
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“It is better to have prepared and never to need it than to be unprepared and be in desperate need of it”.
Be Aware. Be Safe. Be Prepared!