What is a Boer – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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There are so many opinions of who or what is a Boer, and most of them are based on politics or Religion and are very subjective. This discussion often becomes heated and unpleasant.

So, may I offer the description of a Boer as penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?

” Take a community of Dutchmen of the type who defended themselves for fifty years against all the power of Spain at a time when Spain was the greatest power in the world.

Intermix with them a strain of those inflexible French Huguenots, who gave up their name and left their country forever at a time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

The product must obviously be one of the most rugged, virile, unconquerable races ever seen upon the face of the earth.

Take these formable people and train them for seven generations in constant warfare against savage men and ferocious beasts, in circumstances in which no weakling could survive; place them so that they acquire skill with weapons and in horsemanship, give them a country which is eminently suited to the tactics of the huntsman, the marksman and the rider.

Then, finally, put a fine temper upon their military qualities by a dour fatalistic Old Testament religion and ardent and consuming patriotism.

Combine all these qualities and all these impulses in one individual and you have the modern day Boer.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Is it not time that we ditch the politics (it has not got us much if anything over the recent years) and Religious differences (we all worship the Creator in our own way) and stand up as a people that the international critics saw us as – Proud, Strong, Faithful and a people to be respect?

Our forefathers rose from the dust and devastation time and time again. Now is it not our time to stand up and be strong? The old saying, divide and conquer certainly seems to be working amongst our people.

Be Proud, Stand Strong and be United. Most of all, keep your faith in the Creator.

Here is a video presentation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s opinion of us.

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